As the Ambassador of a Delegation of a Defense Attaché of the Cabal of a Consortium of Extra Terrestrial representatives from the planet Krypton. E.T. sentient communication is similar to listening to an A.M. Radio station when you're on the fringes of a
Radio tower with a multi-channel interference due to the
multi-faceted aspects of the variables of time capable sentient and none sentient Alien life that with a filtration system that becomes one aspect of delineating the informations, facts, and data into a thesis of an educated guess that should conclude in what needs to be a consensus of the plight of the contemporary inhabitants of the earth understanding the gravity of their decisions as policy makers to stop the progression of precipitateness of mankind's inclination for conflict based
on not letting past misfortunes of War be congruent with
this generations and the next generation inclination in wanting to
only fight in defense with knowing
the ratio of the totality of those whom have gone before us.
This is my website on the World Wide Web:
Check my internet protocol address:
thE joint chiefs of staff, The dni, NSA, dia, dhs, cia and fbi, that is reverse IP Lookup.
Review the entire website:

The construct of socially accepted benevolence of righteous authoritarian procurement of power and authority is self serving with out our societies capacity of understanding the detriment of wars viability of power that discern the unforeseen and fraught injustice of humanities affirmation of accepting war as a social norm to keep the civilians from witnessing the depravity of the horrors of a readily available quiver of arrows and the reluctance of the open talons of a branch of peace.
Stop, gather the facts, reach a conclusion then tell policy makers
to implement policy.
The construct of socially accepted benevolence of righteous authoritarian procurement of power and authority is self serving with out our societies capacity of understanding the detriment of wars viability of power that discern the unforeseen and fraught injustice of humanities affirmation of accepting war as a social norm to keep the civilians from witnessing the depravity of the horrors of a readily available quiver of arrows and the reluctance of the open talons of a branch of peace.

Justin Heathcoat is Ferris's
best friend and my sister and
I are twins born in separate years.
Also the question is, did President Obama look like
the Pharaoh in the Pyramids when he was growing up?
The School: Sierra Vista Middle School, Irvine, California was built in 1979 by
the DIA under the Carter Administration.
All the street names are significant Civil War battle names except
for Prescott Bush and Bill Clinton streets.
The prism shape is the flag of Arkansas.
Bill Clinton and I share the same birthday, he made to the Governorship then the Presidency.
Prescott Bush was George W. Bush's grandfather. Due to the electoral college vote,
unless it is a landslide election, the people do not get to choose the Presidents.
Those are Captain Ranks of the five branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, now there is a sixth branch called Space Force.

There is a certain point where War is not the greatest option, let's not let that be in retrospect. Sharifism.
جان علی شریفی رحنمون
The virtues of a sunflower. In a desolate corner of a garden, a sunflower rejoices in solitude. With the calm rise of the sun echoed in nature, we rejoice at this sacred anthem. The rain felt neglected and brought a storm to bare. The wind cleared the clouds as the thunder dissipated. The day was at twilight when the moon and sun were visible. The moon was not neglected for the sunflower bowed as it rose,
for the moon knew that it was illuminated by the sun's existence.

The above is photograph of me at
age four with my pet bird on my head. Mathew 3:16
And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove, and lighting upon him.
The Magi were Zoroastrian Priests, and they anticipated the birth of Jesus Christ. The Magi viewed a comet going from the east of then Persia to the west, so they went west with three gifts. At first they went to the Arabs and the Arabs told them that their gifts were in Arabic and it was code for where the Lord and Savior was born. The gifts were: الذهب واللبان والمر, the Magi deciphered the code to the gifts, one was Ramallah, one was Nablus, and one was Bethlehem. They went to to Bethlehem.
My two uncles on my mother's side have Zoroastrian and Mithraism birthdays. One of them is for on AID, the Persian New Year. Mithraism: Most important date is December 25th. The early Christians, somewhere around 200 A.D. changed the date of Jesus Christ's birthday to December 25th. I was born on August 19th, page 367 of Albert Pike's book: Morals and Dogma, a Celtic and Druid summer solstice.
The one who's birthday is December 25th has a daughter born on the Christian calendar, her birthday is January 1st, the day of the Emancipation Proclamation. My uncle Mohammad was on June 13th, the day that Alexander the Great died.
I read the Quran and the Bible, and in the Quran it says that Mohammad does return as it's in the Bible that Jesus Christ returns.
I not claiming to be super awesome, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
In 1997 I had a dream that left a profound impact on me and still guides my actions to this day. I dreamt that I was in a esoteric environment of the Heavens, where my being consisted of a voice and the God's voice consisted of a voice greater my own, for he was a God of few words while I talked. The atmosphere was pitch black, yet there was tree there and I knew that the tree was there yet I could not see it, I could perceive it. We were looking down at the earth, and I spoke up and said "Why do humans act the way the do?, and the God said, "If you think living on earth is easy, then you go to the earth.”
The conversation I was having was with an E.T. War Lord about the carnage taking place during WWII.
I have made it my life's mission to find out the reason for WWII.
I am not Jewish, but since I sided with them in them and the British and the West, they are my people.
Liberation of France is on my birthday 19th of August.
Page 367 of Albert Pike's book: Morals and Dogma, 19th of August is a Celtic and Druid Summer Solstice.
I was born on a Sunday, and the Doctor who delivered me into this realm was named Moses.
I was a Muslim until I converted to Christianity, and one day when I die of old age I would like the
Conclave of Cardinals to consider me for Sainthood.
There was a friendly Panda Bear in the forest, bamboo was scarce, the Panda Bear became sad. Chief Koala Bear, said to the Panda Bear, "Scarcity is a test of faith to the worker ant, for the worker ant saves rice for the Winter,
and neglect not the rich harvest come Spring."
The Indian Chief got his name from the Village elders because once upon a time as a youth he wondered into town, and thought that he could steal a horse from a Cowboy in town, and at the exact moment he had chosen
the horse to steal, a giant Black Bear appeared, and scared the boy, and that is why his name is Koala Bear.
We are in a parallel Universe, and in the Heavens I sided with the British Empire, and the G.I.'s. during WWII.
My invention for the U.S. Defense industry. An advanced thermal imaging capable satellite that can see through enemy compounds. Also combine that with facial recognition software that can read jaw movements of terrorists, and with the triangulation of satellites that will be able to see what the enemy saying, we will be able to safeguard the nation. If in a different languages, like Arabic, Urdu, or Russian, we can beam the information to a super computer in the U.S. that runs on a language algorithms program that can translate any language into English.
Another invention of mine is for the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, and the National Security Agency. A super computer in the Pentagon that runs on a language algorithm program based on recorded antiquated cell phones, the triangulation of cell towers, and pay phones, and the triangulation of pager signals, to see if the criminal, or criminals, or terrorists, or any enemies, foreign, or domestic of the United States of America, and our allies have been working in detriment to the National Security interests of the west. With cell phone triangulation, we can tell who is who, and exactly where they are at.
My newest invention is for elite FBI Agents and Covert Operations and the Police: When there is a suspected criminal or possible fugitive or a Spy, basically anybody that is breaking the law: A liquid spray can be applied to the suspects clothes either at a dry cleaners or by brushing up against the suspect or by spraying the liquid by aerosol on the criminal's car, then when the possible fugitive is on the move, we will be able to track them with special goggles and or glasses. True you can get a Search Warrant and track their Cellular phone but in certain cases as in espionage or a crafty criminal who is aware of the Governments surveillance capabilities, then this newest invention is useful. I will be honest I had heard about this, so it is not entirely my invention, but I have elaborated on it. You can track a suspect in their vehicle because
they will have residue on
them or on their vehicle.
My new invention for the National Security Agency is the Voice Interceptor or V.I. for short. With the Voice Inceptor, voices of alleged assailants, or criminals will be put into a computer data base that with an algorithm based program that can detect the voice of the criminals, or alleged Spies. Let us say that hypothetically there is a call made in a ransom case in an abduction, the V.I. can go through Millions of voice samples of criminals, and or none criminal to detect who the criminal is, due to the fact that voices have signatures.
Another invention of mine is the helmet guided Helicopter machine gun. As you are Piloting a Helicopter, for efficiency, quickness, and accuracy, with the flip of a toggle switch the machine gun would become activated and engage the enemy that you are focused in on as your head turns
to view the enemy with your helmet.
A crocodile, and an alligator came to a pond where they saw tortuous in the middle of the pond as an egret was hitching a ride on the giant tortuous. The alligator, and the crocodile were by the pond watching, when a woodpecker started pecking at the scales of the crocodile. They all got submerged in the pond, and all the while, there was two Mariachis wearing ponchos, and drinking tequila at a Cantina by the pond, and all they saw was the eye's of the crocodile, and alligator as they were getting submerged in the water. Then one of the men turned to other one, and said be careful because the eye's of the wolf is watching from the forest.
The Villagers on edge of the town were weary of a friendly Dragon, but the Bear put a snare in a hen house, the Fox sided with the Dragon, because the Bear wanted to catch the Fox trying eat the hen, but the Fox figured out that the Bear had incentive, the Bear wanted the honey, and was bothered by the bees. But bees were wise and they sent out a worker bee and they stung the Bear, but the Bear survived because it a was big Bear, and this is the reason why Bears hibernate.